Jan 2022

Rilassante Villas

St. George is a lovely, modern city, and well positioned in Southern Utah near the Arizona border. Its latitude and elevation allow for a favorable climate, with relatively warm winters compared to the rest of Utah.

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Many people use St. George as a base or a starting point for trips to nearby parks, most

notably Zion National Park, less than an hour away. The city is also within easy striking

distance of some fabulous mountain biking trails, particularly at nearby Hurricane.

St. George is also one of the fastest growing urban municipalities in the United States

with an average of 55.8 percent growth over the last 20 years. Even though St. George is

considered historically as a retirement community, it’s median age is 38 years and

dropping. As local universities and a diverse tech sector grows, so does the number of

young people moving to the city. St. George’s housing market is likewise extremely

strong with home values increasing by 33 percent over the last year, and rental properties

at 98 percent occupancy.

Rilassante Villas will sit on 24 acres and has approval from the city of St.

George to develop 206 units; 3 apartment buildings each housing 44 units and 62

townhome style condos with complete community amenities such as sport courts, pool,

and club house.

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